Project Overview

In a team of three, we designed an entire Android app for MacEwan’s room booking site. A mobile app provides convenience for users who do not have access to a computer; this is extremely important for situations where students need to book a study room as convenient and as soon as possible.


Grant MacEwan University


Android App


UI/UX Designer


4 weeks





Site Analysis

To understand how the site functions, we deconstructed its UI flow and determined the steps it took for a user to successfully book a study room.

UI Flow

From the original UI flow, we identified issues that a user might encounter. In this case, we removed features that slowed down the process of booking and added features that helped with allowing users to book a room quicker.


Visual Research

In order to create a realistic representation of our users, we interviewed real people who have used the app before. We asked about their experience, what they liked about the app, and which features they wished the app had. On top of this method, we gathered user reviews of the app from the App Store to identify key issues that they experience.

User Persona

We based our persona from the interviews we conducted. Creating a user persona helped us get a better understanding of our user, as we combined everyone’s opinion into one fictional person that represents them all.


Visual Identity

We created a style tile for MacEwan's theme including colours typography, and button designs. Additionally, we integrated this style into the Android UI kit that we were given.


After coming up with solutions such as a new payment method, a more user friendly sign in/sign up page, and overall a better UI/UX design, we started building our wireframes. We kept our high-fidelity wireframes simple just to get a sense of its UI flow and how the style tile would translate into the whole app.



Our team ran the prototype several times and took note of issues that needed fixing. To ensure that we weren't missing anything else, our team reached out to other design students and professionals to critique our app redesign. With this, we had the opportunity to test the app in real life and observe how potential users would navigate through the app, as well as identify new issues that arose from its redesigned UI/UX.




Spotify New Feature Design

Designed a prototype for a potential feature for Spotify and filmed an advertisement for it.

MacEwan University Commerce Club

Redesigned MUCC's old WordPress website when I got appointed as their VP of Design.

MacEwan Form Redesign

Prototyped an unofficial website that allows users to request an appointment for massage & acupuncture at MacEwan University.

ePark App Redesign (IOS)

Solved several issues from the original and redesigned the whole app for a better user experience